Archaeological Services in Southern California
Destiny Archaeology Consulting specializes in a range of cultural resources management services that comply with local, state, and federal regulation. In partnership with tribal organizations, private industry, government agencies, and non-profit organizations, we strive to timely and efficiently fulfill our client’s goals while protecting the land’s cultural heritage.
Tribal Services
- THPO Application Preparation
- Archaeological & Monitoring Training
- Monitoring Program Development
- Cultural Assessments
- Lithics Identification Workshops
- Oral Histories
- Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement Workshops
- Cultural Resource Ordinances Development
- Traditional Cultural Property (TCP) & Traditional Cultural Landscape (TCL) Inventory
Tribal Relation Services
Destiny Archaeology Consulting has extensive experience in cultural resource consulting, including preparation of cultural resource documents required under federal and state laws, such as Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As a result, Destiny Archaeology Consulting has a successful track record of providing high-quality services in furthering the dialogue between Native American communities, agencies, and project proponents for a variety of projects, such as residential and commercial development, roadways, and trails.
- Developing meaningful and constructive communication between Native American tribes, agencies, and project proponents
- Identifying culturally sensitive areas and landscapes, such as Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) and Traditional Cultural Resources (TCRs)
- Facilitating compliance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)
- Facilitate tribal participation for project surveys, excavations, and monitoring.
- Archival and ethnohistoric research
- City, state, and national register eligibility evaluations and nominations
- Assessment of impacts/findings of effects

Destiny Archaeology Consulting offers educational programs and presentations for government agencies, local municipalities, professional organizations, schools, tribal cultural centers, archaeological societies, and museums.
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Archaeological Monitoring
This may be required as part of mitigation. It can also be required instead of mitigation when traditional testing cannot be conducted, such as during the removal of existing structures or roads scheduled for demolition. Archaeological monitoring is the observing of the ground disturbances as they are exposed and the rapid recording and/or recovery for the archaeological record.
Other Archaeological Services
- CEQA (AB52 and SB18) / NEPA/ NHPA (Section 106) Compliance
- Memorandums of Understanding (MOU’s) & Memorandum of Agreement (MOA’s)
- Programmatic Agreements
- Cultural Resource Management Plans (CRMP)
- Documentation for Consultation
Public Education and Involvement
- Destiny Archaeology Consulting offers educational programs and presentations for government agencies, local municipalities, professional organizations, schools, tribal cultural centers, archaeological societies, and museums.
- Our “Archaeology Rocks” program includes an introduction to archaeological techniques and tools of the trade, as well as a mock excavation for children grades 1-6.
- Curation Services
- Lithic Analysis
- Ethnographic Studies